guess who's back, jamie's back,back again....
sorry that title was pretty dumb.but i am back. back with the music bumpen' and bowlz blazen'.....i've been sick with somethin'.i don't know what the hell's wrong with me but somethin' ain't right.hopefull it won't last too much longer.i'm tired of it already.been tired.this stuff sux fer realz.anyway i'm fiten ta drop it like a bad habbit though out tha door.they've been lettin me off early the past couple nights haven't been buisyso they gotta cut hours back.that's another thing i'm sick of .....flippen burger's during the summer in long sleeve button up shirts with a friggen bow-tie.(in scotish accent) NOW INTDAT SEXXIE.pssht....damn dress codes.can anyone tell me what the comfort is in seeing plastic gloves covering a cooks hands knowing that the gloves touch the same things as the hands that aren't covered in plastic gloves?
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